Te whakapakari āheitanga
Strengthening capability
Ngā hua o te mahi tahi | Collective impact
From the PLANZ Executive
Nau mai, haere mai.
This resource has been developed in response to the changes made to the national priorities for regionally allocated PLD in English medium settings. A group of facilitators, school leaders, and researchers developed these materials collaboratively. PLANZ is pleased to bring their ideas to life for all of our colleagues in the education sector.
This resource is a trigger for ongoing professional discussions. You will find material in the kete to provoke discussion and provide challenge, support, and new learning. PLANZ invites further contributions to the kete about the meaning of the priorities, particularly their critical and joint focus on equity.
The writers have focused on the shift to kaiako capabilities that these priorities bring and the implications this has for:
- curriculum learning design
- leading professional learning
- the lens that we all look through to evaluate our collective impact for tamariki.
We want to thank the team of writers and acknowledge the support that the Ministry offered to PLANZ for hosting this resource. This resource, intended to support our collective impact, has been developed with and for all those leading professional learning.
Read descriptions of the PLD priorities for Māori medium settings. PLD providers are also contributing their expertise to develop shared descriptions for those capabilities that underpin Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
About the resource
Changes are being made to the regionally allocated professional learning and development (PLD) system. The changes are part of the approach to educational improvement developed through Kōrero Mātauranga and captured in the vision for education in Aotearoa New Zealand.
In 2018, the Curriculum, Progress and Achievement Ministerial Advisory Group (CPA MAG) identified a need for professional learning and development to be:
- strengthened to better recognise people's diverse needs and contexts
- clearer about what growth in core curriculum capabilities looks like.

Curriculum capabilities
The term “curriculum capabilities” is used in this resource to capture the idea that PLD priorities have been re-positioned as capabilities for kaiako and leaders that serve the New Zealand curriculum to deliver on its promise of equitable outcomes for ākonga and whānau. We believe they are interdependent capabilities that underpin curriculum and learning design.
Ākonga and whānau at the heart of this mahi
The kaupapa for this resource is to put ākonga and whānau at the heart of education and change conditions for teaching and learning in order to “create a future Aotearoa in which our tamariki-mokopuna feel they belong and can flourish”. This resource is framed around a well known cultural metaphor in Te Ao Māori – the harakeke and its nurturing of new growth.
The harakeke is a fundamental resource plant of te iwi Māori and also the plant from which whāriki (woven mats) are made. The metaphor speaks of the rito (centre shoot and heart) of the harakeke, signifying people being at the heart or centre of everything. It is vital to put the ākonga at the rito of all we do in education. Extending the question the whakataukī poses: What is the most important ingredient to make our education system thrive? It is tāngata (people) and indeed, most importantly, it is ākonga.
Hūtia te rito o te harakeke
Kei hea te kōmako e kō?
Kī mai ki ahau
He aha te mea nui o tēnei ao?
Māku e kī atu
He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata
Take the heart of the harakeke away
Where then will the bellbird sing?
What is the most important thing in this world?
If you ask me then I will say
It is people, it is mankind, it is humanity
The resource includes:
- information on the changing system
- the kaupapa (purpose) for the new approach
- four mātāpono (principles) that underpin the kaupapa
- capability statements describing how our kaupapa informs the core curriculum capabilities
- a guide for weaving the curriculum capabilities together
- Ngā mātāpono resource kete and Ngā aheitanga resource kete offering information, examples, provocations, and encouragement
- tohutoro (references) used throughout the site.